Virallinen nimi Lempinimi   Rotu Isä Emä Linkki rotutietoihin
Bauntas Pride Benjy irish Draught
Bob the cob Mansfield Bob the Cob Leisure horse not recorded
Briars Hill Briar TB Shantou (USA) Backway
Lady Chapel Dusty Dusty Connemara Not recorded Not recorded
Old Court Juimmy Jimmy Irish sport horse not recorded
Grennan Knight Max Irish sport horse Desert knight Flagmount FIrst class
Sampson Sampson Irish sport Horse
Cuffesgrange Splash Splash Irish sport horse O.B.O.S Quality Paris Flight
Sunny the Legend Sunny Irish sport Horse Knock ferry cheeky Books Mystic Marlyn
Lugduff trevor Trevor Irish sport Horse Not recorded
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