Welcome to Silver Eagle Stable! The stable rules are compiled for the safety and benefit of clients, staff, and horses. Don't hesitate to contact the staff if any questions should arise.
1. All students or people handling horses MUST sign a waiver. During business hours, the staff is available to help you. Information you get from the staff is essential for everybody's safety.
2. Assigned instructors or horses may be changed without notice due to unforeseen circumstances and as needed to ensure all lessons and activities occur as planned. If the stable must cancel a lesson or activity, the client account will be credited.
3. Lessons are held rain or shine. If necessary due to severe weather or other unforeseen circumstances, lessons may be unmounted.
4. Calm and composed behavior is essential around horses. Horses are flight animals that can spook at sudden movements and loud noises.
5. Entering the stalls, arenas, paddocks, and pastures is prohibited without permission. Dogs should be on the leash while visiting the stables, which is important for dogs own safety.
6. Feeding is planned carefully for each horse individually. Feeding extra could risk horses health or change horses behavior, so do not feed anything to horses without staff permission.
7. All students must wear a helmet during their lessons. Never wrap the rope or reins around your hand. Shoes worn at the stable should be sturdy.
8. Every horse has assigned, fitted tack. Place the tack on a rack while tacking the horse. Expensive equipment lying on the floor can get broken or cause danger if tangled at the feet of horses or human. Remember that a horse may not be left unattended with tack on. Do not fasten the horse from the bridle. You can place a halter on top of the bridle and after that fasten the horse according to instructions.
9. The staff knows the horses, so while working with the horses it is important to go along with instructions given from the staff. You also will find information about each individual horse from noticeboards; check them every visit as requirements change. If any horse should need special treatments, you should always have a permission from the staff.
10. While handling the horses, be aware of the surroundings and try to anticipate and avoid situations that may cause danger to yourself, the horse, or others.