Official name Nickname   Breed Sire Dam External breed link
Amber Amber
Beau Beau
Blue Blue
Bubblegum Bubblegum
Buddy Buddy
Buzz Buzz
Custard Custard
Daz Daz
Faraway Dreams Faraway dreams
Filco Filco
Hillhouse Hillary
Monty Monty
Nutella Nutella
Panther Panther
Phoebe Phoebe
Phoebe Phoebe
Pie Pie
Sam Sam
Sergio Sergio
Seymour Seymour
Sulverdale Silverdale
Toffee Toffee
Winston Winston
To add horses to your favourites, press the heart symbol next to the horse. The lesson instructor sees the favourites when making the horse assignment and can takes them into account.