Official name Nickname  
Hero De Revel Hero
Skippy S.V. Skipi
Alert Allu
Lavina Iina
Showgirl Sohvi
Rabelini Rolle
Legro Lego
Zibens Sipe
Rowen Roope
Harlando Harri
Majatalon Aarne Aapeli
Sisu majami Sisu
Codex Coda
Jerry Maguire Jerry
Rand Rane
Hessin Jeviiri Jevi
Vanne Vadelma
Akaatsia Sally
Voore Ramson Rommi
Renegat Reino
Les Parize Paris
Ambur Aapo
Star Tähti
Fraenkel Retu
Martin Dillion Martin
Cloudberry Navarro Nava
John Jonttu
Timis Timi
Symphatil Quinna Tuutti
To add horses to your favourites, press the heart symbol next to the horse. The lesson instructor sees the favourites when making the horse assignment and can takes them into account.