Official name Nickname  
Honest Abe Abe
Latitudes Babs
Bella Bella
Bolero Bolero
Census Census
Charm Charm
True North's Star Chester
Chicago Chicago
Knockout Connor
Dolly Dolly
R U Doodlebug Doodlebug
Rumplemints Edward
Francheska AH Francheska
Fresco Fresco
Life's A Trip Fuego
Fifty Fifty Henry
Hopkins Hops
Hunter Fairy Hunter
Jackson Jackson
Facetime Jasmine
Jesse Jesse
Little Star Little Star
Float Your Boat Loafy
Lollipop Lollipop
McGwire Mac
Braveheart Milo
Monkey Monkey
Red Sky At Night Olive
Fox Glen Blue Opal Opie
Indian Outlaw Outlaw
Billy Baroo Peanut
Lands End Peter Pan Petey
Picasso Picasso
Snap Shot Pie
Prescott Prescott
Shiloh's Way Too Pretty Pretty
R U Princess Princess
Stow Away Pudge
Qruising SCF Q
All The Rave Rave
Rhythm and Blues Simon
Always Forever Star
Solid Silver Sterling
Stitch Stitch
Too Fun Sully
Reynard Round of Applause Tag
Temple Clover Temple
Contador Tom
Waffles Waffles
Whiskey Whiskey
To add horses to your favourites, press the heart symbol next to the horse. The lesson instructor sees the favourites when making the horse assignment and can takes them into account.